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Gary Winship

Gary Winship (PHD, MA, RMN, Dip GP Psych, Cert Add) is Associate Professor in the School of Education, University of Nottingham. Senior fellow, Institute of Mental Health. Dr Winship has worked in the field of addictions since 1980 and his abiding interest has been Talking Therapies. His books include :- Attachment and New Beginnings, The Collected Paper of J R Pedder  (editor), Die Erotic by Lou Andreas-Salome (Introductory Essay), and The Spike and the Moon – Addictive Personalities and why people take drugs (Karnacs, 2011) .

He is currently the chair of the appointments panel for the prestigious Annual Skellern Lecture and Blackwell’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Mental Health. He has run numerous funded projects (ESRC, AHRC). The Times (2009) described him as one of the two leading experts on arson in the UK. He is currently the chair of trading standards of the Universities Psychology and Counselling Association (UPCA).